Plot The series revolves around of Kally — A year-old musical prodigy who tries to balance her life as a virtuoso pianist and a normal teenage girl after moving from a small town to the country's most prestigious music college. Early life and education Gillis began experimenting with electronic music and sampling while a student at Chartiers Valley High School in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania suburb of Bridgeville. Aiono is known for his videos on YouTube which have amassed over million views and his social media presence with upwards of 5. It allows the users record their own track — either sung or played on an instrument — and then combine it with other tracks from internet to. B mashups [that featured] an a cappella of one song and an instrumental of another. The novel follows the three Dashwood sisters as they must move with their widowed mother from the estate on which they grew up, Norland Park. White Panda is an American DJ, best known for remixing and releasing mashups. ...